The Amp Hour
An off-the-cuff radio show and podcast for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. Note: this is the "show only" version of the feed. To see the show notes, check out the main podcast feed:

Our friend and previous guest, Jeri Ellsworth, returned to the show to talk about her latest projects. And holy wow, they are prettygreat!   Jeri discusses the process of making transistors in your home using household chemicals, silicon wafers and a small kiln or oven. More info on her process of making the chips [...]

Direct download: TheAmpHour-52-CarnassialChipChemicals.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:14pm CST

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    posted by: Rylcates on 2014-01-31 16:44:47

  • Hmmm, thanks for the tip, LM. Naomi, I'm glad you kept the totem. I was aiarfd you got rid of it, especially after clicking on the link to the pic! Some things are just small treasures due to their uniqueness and are nice to look at every day to make you feel you but they can't be special in the back of a closet. I love how you decorated it for Halloween and hope you do for other holidays as well.Holidays and holiday clutter is one of my drawbacks. I'm a sucker for decorations but am getting that under control, reusing what I have and realizing I don't have to get all those adorable new decorations. It helps that I'm aging and have severe arthritis because it kind of deters wanting to put them out, hang them up then have to take them down and store them away for another year somewhere. It's amazing how much needless work that is. I'm getting so I do a few basic decorations and get more out of them. [url=]lzoyswfm[/url] [link=]gmlnmp[/link]

    posted by: Angelina on 2013-09-27 02:41:21

  • Yrsaon Samme1la af0 f3fearfi se9 af0 draga ff3lk ed dilka, forde6ma, skammast fat ed og banna e1kvef0na tedsku. En e9g held af0 feaf0 geri feaf0 fe6stir ed raun og veru, feaf0 kemur kaknsni fat feannig. c9g held af0 feegar feetta tiltekna vif0fangsefni ber e1 gf3ma fee1 se9 ff3lk frekar hre6tt vif0 af0 eitthvaf0 eitt se9 af0 verf0a normif0 (he1rleysi) og allt annaf0 (t.d. he1rprfdf0i) se9 fee1 e1litif0 f3gef0slegt, f3feriflegt, osfrv. Og margir setja auf0vitaf0 fat e1 ed feessum me1lum af0 einhverju sem se9 ekki f6llum af0 skapi af0 gera, finnst feaf0 jafnvel se1rt og f3fee6gilegt, se9 gert svo undir ferfdstingi se9rstaklega af ungum stelpum. c9g styf0 heils hugar fjf6lbreytni, og minn e1hugi e1 vif0fangsefninu hefur alltaf verif0 umfram allt sprottinn fram af einske6rum e1huga e1 menningarlegum skedrskotunum he1rtedsku (feved he1r er auf0vitaf0 ekki bara he1r) og svo stf6ku sinnum reynt af0 taka upp hanskann fyrir grey he1rin sem lf6gf0 eru ed einelti, en ekki beint af0 gagnrfdna he1rleysi

    posted by: Jacky on 2013-09-26 02:10:43

  • Good to see real expertise on display. Your conbirtution is most welcome.

    posted by: Carlos on 2013-09-24 06:52:14

  • The ablitiy to think like that is always a joy to behold

    posted by: Lean on 2013-09-22 08:21:27

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