The Amp Hour
An off-the-cuff radio show and podcast for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. Note: this is the "show only" version of the feed. To see the show notes, check out the main podcast feed:
  Happy Birthday to us! One year in the bag! Thanks for all of our wonderful listeners!   From the EEVBlog forums, user "dics" is listening to The Amp Hour on a breadboard! Awesome! Tech Shop SF is matching donations on a new campaign to spread the word of Hacker/Makerspaces in the community. Chris's alma [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-53-BiarchyBirthdayBavardage.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 8:56pm CST

Our friend and previous guest, Jeri Ellsworth, returned to the show to talk about her latest projects. And holy wow, they are prettygreat!   Jeri discusses the process of making transistors in your home using household chemicals, silicon wafers and a small kiln or oven. More info on her process of making the chips [...]

Direct download: TheAmpHour-52-CarnassialChipChemicals.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:14pm CST

    Our initial try of Google Plus "Hangouts"! Hopefully all the interuptions and the concentration on a new medium didn't interrupt our usual shabby quality of podcast (thereby downgrading our rating to "godawful"). We had fun and hopefully will be able to use it to pull in guests in an easier way and somehow [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-51-VafrousVideoVaniloquence.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

  What would be the best way to create a "cough switch" or "kill switch" for a USB based podcasting microphone? EMSL created an AWESOME 555 Timer Footstool. Such a great replica! Design Spark corrected us on what their new plugin does, in relation to Google Sketchup. Dave is wondering what kind of criteria to [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-50-CallowCoughCoverups.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:18pm CST