Mon, 30 August 2010
Another episode in the bag! We admittedly didn't talk about straight electronics as we have in the past but we covered recent happenings in both the open source and (micro) and commercial (macro) electronics industries. Check out some of the links discussed in todays show below! Shoutouts and Upcoming Events: See a nerd with a [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-6-OpenHardwareAndTheCreativeEconomy.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 10:03pm CST
Mon, 23 August 2010
Today's show got a little heated, it's true. We went over a lot of things, but none more than a recent campaign to try and get more young women interested in a not-so-great way. We welcome all debate about the issue in the comments or a link to a discussion elsewhere. We also covered [...]
Wed, 18 August 2010
Now that Dave and I have been trying to get some thoughts together a bit prior to the show (though the show itself is still quite "off the cuff"), we have some topics we can list out for you. You can use it either while listening, after you've completed listening, or hell, you can forego [...]
Mon, 9 August 2010
Greetings from the official new home of The Amp Hour! The new theme is installed (and being revised as we speak/read) and the latest episode of the radio show is directly below. We spanned topics from HP to IEEE to human interface the usual meandering format. Questions for you, our listener would be, do [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-3-HP-IEEE-HumanInterface.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 11:05pm CST
Sat, 7 August 2010
Show 2 was recorded the week of August 2nd, 2010. This show was a bit more focused than the first show, but we still tended to ramble a bit. Ah well, nobody's perfect. Links discussed in the show: * MAKE magazine’s review of Maker Faire Detroit (learning to solder) * NYT article about mineral deposits in Afghanistan [...]
Sat, 7 August 2010
This is the show recorded the week of July 26th. It was our first show ever. We first posted this on Dave's site and Chris's site and past comments from their respective communities can be found on those pages. Comments about the show can also be found at the EEVblog forums.