The Amp Hour
An off-the-cuff radio show and podcast for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. Note: this is the "show only" version of the feed. To see the show notes, check out the main podcast feed:

This week focused more on electronics! Think we talk about something too much or too little? Let us know in the comments!   Chris finally got a chair and wowsa does it make a difference! Finding parts online can be tough with distractions, apparently extended internet use can affect the brain. What's a datasheet [...]

Direct download: TheAmpHour-49-UnusualUsenetUsurpation.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:49pm CST

  Though it's been a sad week for the field of analog engineering, we want to honor Bob Pease and Jim Williams' passing. They were wonderful educators, engineers and people and we felt honored to even talk about them on the show. Please share any comments you might have about either of these two great [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-48-PosthumousPeasePorridge.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 8:56pm CST

    Very sad news, Jim Williams of LTC analog fame has suddenly passed away The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition is the Duke Nukem Forever of the electronics industry. Jeff reminisces about his old Commodore Amiga and mentions the Amiga on an FPGA, and Dave talks about Jamma consoles. Agilent impress with their response to the [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-47-TheMothershipManifesto.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:30pm CST

  The Amp Hour has a new server! Let us know if it is working ok for you. Daniel Garrido linked here from his project site. Some great projects over there! (sorry if I butchered your name!) Open Hardware Summit is on again this year and are looking for entries for presentations. Bre Pettis of [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-46-CloddishCollegiateConversations.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:47pm CST