Mon, 30 May 2011
Dave is a daddy! Congrats to him! See Dave's intro video to his new "project" below. If you have suggestions for who to have on the show, check out the thread on the EEVblog forum (or leave comments below) Should the Jones' be worried about electromagnetic radiation sensitivity for the baby? Only if [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-45-NerdyNeuroelectronicNeurosis.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 8:27pm CDT
Mon, 23 May 2011
This week it's back to just Dave and Chris...almost feels weird without more people! We'll get more guests on soon. Dave is in his studio with freshly made acoustic panels! Throughout the week, Chris has been mistaking BAMF to mean "Badass MotherF*#$%@!" when in fact they've been talking about the Bay Area Maker Faire. [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-44-PerniciousProjectsPuppiesInPeril.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 8:41pm CDT
Mon, 16 May 2011
This week we have our first 4 person Amp Hour! Welcome to the Ed McMahon of The Amp Hour, Jeff Keyzer, and the young star of the maker scene, Jeremy Blum! Happy birthday to Jeremy! How do people say "Arduino"? Friend of the show and 555 contest entrant, Jason Pruitt linked here recently from his [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-43-AudaciousArduinoArguments.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:26pm CDT
Mon, 9 May 2011
Lots of fun and lots of discussion points this week! We talked about schools, contests, more contests, ham radio, 3D transistors and our first Chip of the Week! New-ish podcast about scientific computing. We found out about it when Ayah and Alicia from the Open Hardware Summit were on there. Jason Struble (@strube09) linked [...]
Wed, 4 May 2011
This week is another threesome. Chris & Migthyohm Jeff are jury-rigged up in a hotel room at the ESC conference. New startup kit business Nerds Like Us Sebastian (@sgtech) linked to us on his blog Chris & Jeff visited Halted Electronics & Weird Stuff Dave retold the Robert Cringely's DEFCON hacker conference story [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-41-ExhilaratingESCescapades.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 1:52am CDT