The Amp Hour
An off-the-cuff radio show and podcast for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. Note: this is the "show only" version of the feed. To see the show notes, check out the main podcast feed:
. WotW Adam C of submitted the first workbench of the week submission by video! Bob of took a picture of his bench with his pup, including a signed HP 300A! Lieven Blancke of Belgium submitted two pictures of his 7 year old maker son at their bench. Also included a picture of [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-23-TheInnovationSpeculation.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:58pm CST

We wanted to try out a title similar to the style of The Big Bang Theory...we love it! Shoutout Another Ham-like video podcast called Amateur Logic. We like it! Thanks to the queen of science videos (Jeri) for the link! Dave got scooped! Afrotechmods did an AWESOME video about ultracaps. He arc welded a coin! [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-22-TheHardWorkHypothesis.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:27pm CST

. Seasonal What is on your electronics list for the holidays? Dave and Chris both need new chairs for their labs WOTW Henrik from Oslo, Norway Bench setup and explanation. Sylvain from Belgium Bench setup for RF projects. David from Portland Portable bench setup. Taking your electronics on the road is impressive! Mike from the [...]

Direct download: TheAmpHour-21-MoreFreagle_MoreBenches_MoreEngineersOnTwitter.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 9:10pm CST

Our first WOTWs! Mike, who works at Ascot TV in Christchurch New Zealand! More info about Mike's is here. Dave likes the Bob Parker ESR meter. David work at Delta-Q Technologies in Vancouver, Canada. More info about David is here (as are many more pictures!). David plans on doing something similar to the Electric Delorean [...]
Direct download: TheAmpHour-20-MilitaryElectronics_FirstWOTW.mp3
Category:Radio Show -- posted at: 10:16pm CST